Every Thursday night at work I look forward to visiting http://www.mcrecord.com/. It's our local newspaper The Record from the home town and county that I grew up in. It's very entertaining. Here's just one example of why. The following is the weekly crime report:
Oct. 14 — Scrap iron and copper items were stolen from a property on 330th Avenue in Foley.
Oct. 17 — An older model Northwestern skid loader, yellow in color, with a bucket and fork bucket, was stolen from a residence on 330th Street in Motley. Value of the skid loader was $5,000. Later, the owner reported two three-wheelers and frame/wheels for a four-wheeler were also stolen.
Oct. 17 — A property on Skyview Road in Hillman was trashed.
Oct. 17 — A cup with $50 worth of change was stolen from a residence on 200th Street in Little Falls.
Oct. 18 — A 3-foot by 2-foot wooden sign was stolen from the end of a driveway on Quarter Road in Pierz. The sign said “Uncle Bob’s Cabin” and was valued at $100.
Oct. 19 — Someone broke a window in a loader that was parked in a pit west of Genola.
Oct. 20 — A Lincoln brand arc welder valued at $400, a radiator for a Super A Farmall tractor valued at $150, a 10-speed bicycle, a 1980s model Remington brand chain saw and a 12-inch crescent wrench were stolen from a garage on property on 10th Avenue in Burtrum.
And if that isn't entertainment enough, check out the following link. Now, I have had a baby and thankfully all Mom's think their baby is the cutest because (and some of you will argue) NOT ALL BABIES ARE CUTE. See for yourself:
Maybe you are fretting about retiring your plow. If so, find comfort in this story:
You can also visit the Society news and read about engagements here:
http://mcrecord.com/archives/category/society/engagements/ I don't recognize anyone anymore since everyone from my town that is my age, except me, is already married.
Or check out wedding photos in search of the good ole "up nort" spirit such as this glamorous shot :
Gotta LOVE John Deere. Which reminds me of something my Grandma once said regarding my Grandpa's obsession with his lawn: "If I was a lawn mower, Bob would ride me all the time!"
Amen Grandma.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
I sit at work and check it out as well... always worth some good giggles!